
Showing posts from December, 2022

Let us learn Ayurveda.

  Doctor I am suffering with cold and fever, do Ayurveda have a cure for this ailment? Perhaps this is one among the many common questions which an Ayurveda practitioner encounter. But why to blame the person for such a stupid enquiry. If such questions arise in the mind of common people, it is all due to the ignorance or preposterous act of the practitioner of Ayurveda. Advertisement is very important in promoting things. Few words reflect the frame of a matter which is being advertised. When an Ayurveda hospital or a small clinic is been advertised, it too reflects the same.   But mostly the advertisement reads as cure for pain, hypertension, dandruff, hair loss, psoriasis, skin care, lifestyle disorders. Now where is the common cold or fever mentioned in the advertisement. From this we can understand as to why an Ayurveda doctors encounter such questions which probably the main stream medical practitioner could never have to face. It is on our shoulder to promote Ayurveda in real