Is Ayurveda a Pseudoscience?

The word science when attached to any matter appears as genuine. But, science do change from time to time with respect to new discoveries. So, how could one really say anything as ultimate knowledge when science word is attached. If the science changes and is not stable then it is better that Ayurveda be in the label of pseudoscience. Why?

The Basic principles of Ayurveda principles have never changed in course of time as it is the most refined science. that is the reason that it have survived o this long. why we have to get annoyed when anyone names Ayurveda as pseudo science.
medicine are integral part of every medical system and it is really very unfortunate that Ayurveda need always to satisfy the modern parameters to get accepted globally. This is similar like  translating a joke in Malayalam language to Hindi. The joke cease to be so as each language have its own fundamentals so do Ayurveda. Let Ayurveda prove itself through Ayurveda principles and not through modern. Does any of the main stream medicines  ever been proved with respect to Ayurveda principles?

A medicine in allopathy emphasis on a target in the body. Once the target is identified, the next step is to find out the factor which shall combat it. And when that is sought out which they  name as drug discovery has to undergo second step that is clinical trials.
the clinical trials is also very interesting, where the trials  are initiated on small animals like mice, Guinea pig, cats, etc. Recently, a new concept arose considering the different pain an animal undergo during these so called clinical trails named as the "3 Rs". Do not wrong by reading as 3 rupees, it is Reduction ,Refinement  & Replacement. The last one replacement is really a sign of absurd thinking wherein instead of live animals, computer models ,mathematical models etc are used. 

From all these what we understand is that there is no where the concept of consciousness is considered. Afterall what makes we human different from animals, computers etc????
If this is science then Ayurveda do not need this tag.


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